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Seven Deadly Sins Emotes for Twitch – 8 great emotes
Seven Deadly Sins Emotes for Twitch – 8 great emotes ready to go! You can edit the entire set of Emotes! Include your colors and make the modifications you want in the Photoshop file that is include in the order!
When you purchase this awesome package of Seven Deadly Sins Emotes for Twitch, you will receive all the final files ready to upload to Twitch, with all the Sources files! Nanatsu no Taizai Emotes for your livestream!!
- All the Nanatsu no Taizai Emotes – sizes 112px, 56px and 28px
Seven Deadly Sins Emotes for Twitch – 8 great emotes ready to go! You can edit the entire set of Emotes! Include your colors and make the modifications you want in the Photoshop file that is include in the order!
When you purchase this awesome package of Seven Deadly Sins Emotes for Twitch, you will receive all the final files ready to upload to Twitch, with all the Sources files! Nanatsu no Taizai Emotes for your livestream!!
- All the Nanatsu no Taizai Emotes – sizes 112px, 56px and 28px
Twitch Emotes are emoticons displayed in Twitch chat which typically feature faces of notable streamers, Twitch employees or fictional characters used to express a variety of emotions and you can buy it here on GFX Kit!
Check all the other products like this one from! We have a lot of source files for Twitch Themes, Mixer Themes, Dlive, Youtube, Twitter and much more!
How is Seven Deadly Sins Emotes for Twitch
Some Partners and Affiliates create their own emoticon, while others hire an artist. No matter who makes the emoticon, there are some important things to remember:
- Make sure the image is in a .png format.
- There are three sizes per emoticon which are required for submission: 28px x 28px, 56px x 56px, and 112px x 112px. For example:
- The file size cannot exceed 25kb.
- When you upload the emoticon, you will choose a unique code that will be capitalized and appended after your emoticon prefix. The maximum number of characters that this code can have is 20, and must be alphanumeric (a-z and 0-9).
- Please submit your emoticon with a fully transparent background. If you do not know how to make images transparent, please read this.
- Ensure you are viewing the emoticon at 100% resolution to check that your art has clear lines and, if you are including words, that the letters are correct and easy to read. Make sure that lines are sharp (no unnecessary blurring or feathering).
- To make it easier to see a dark emoticon clearly for those that use dark backgrounds such as via Theater Mode, you could create a thin 1 pixel line of off-white (#F1F1F1 is the correct color code) around the edge of the emoticon shape. The reason for this specific suggestion is that this is the default background color of Twitch chat, so the outline will not be noticeable outside of any dark mode. This is not always necessary though, so use your own judgment and test it on a dark background to ensure quality.
How to Manage Your Seven Deadly Sins Emotes for Twitch
To upload an emoticon:
- Go to your Dashboard
- Go to the Affiliate / Partner Settings tab
- Click Emotes, and upload your emoticon in the sizes specified for each tier
- Click Save Changes
To delete an emoticon:
- Click Edit and select the emoticon for deletion
- Click Save Changes
To swap an emoticon for a new one:
- Click Edit and select the emoticon you wish to remove
- Upload a new emoticon in the sizes specified
- Click Save Changes
Note: If you have fallen under the Subscriber Count tier for the number of emoticons you have, you will not lose previously unlocked emoticon slots.
Your viewers love your Seven Deadly Sins Emotes for Twitch! As a Twitch affiliate or partner you have the opportunity to offer your viewers paid subscriptions with special advantages. One of these advantages are special badges for Twitch subscribers (so-called Twitch Subscriber Emotes). In our shop you will therefore find a large selection of such Twitch Emotes, which you can add to your channel immediately after purchase and download.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will my Fortnite Emotes for Twitch be available for my Subscribers to use immediately?
- Twitch Partners that are in good standing will have their emoticons automatically approved. If your account is not in good standing your emoticons will require manual review and approval. All submissions from Twitch Affiliates go through the manual review and approval process.
- What do you mean by ‘in good standing’?
- Partners are considered to be in “good standing” if they have not had a conduct infraction within the last 90 days. A conduct infraction is defined as any behaviour that breaks the Terms of Service or Community Guidelines.
- My emoticons require manual review and approval, how can I get back into good standing for automatic approvals?
- When 90 days pass without an infraction, you will be back in good standing and return to the automatic approval process.
- What are sub points?
- Sub points are how many points you have towards unlocking more emotes. It is a separate number because tiered subs count as more than one. So on your dashboard, you will see three numbers: the current number of individual subscribers you have, the current number of sub points you have, and the amount of sub points needed to unlock more emotes.
- How long does the manual review process take?
- Review of emoticon, badge, and chat prefix submissions are generally done within 48 business hours. This process cannot be expedited (attempting to do so may, in reality, slow the process down). Events and holidays may extend the approval process, so please be patient while waiting for review.
- My emoticon was denied. Now what?
- You should have received an email regarding the reason why your emoticon was not approved (check your spam filter). If you did not, simply contact us via to inquire. Remember that all emoticons and their suffixes (the emoticon Code you create during the submission process) must comply with the emoticon guidelines. You may alter the emoticon so that it does not violate any of these rules or submit a different emoticon altogether.
- I am bothered by an emoticon showing up in my channel but it does not violate Twitch’s rules. How can I avoid seeing it?
- If you do not like seeing an emoticon in your chatroom on your channel, but it does not violate any of our guidelines, you can still hide it from appearing in your channel by adding it to your Channel Banned Words filter. Words – including emoticon codes – added to this filter box will appear in your chat as ***.
- Will my emoticon slots ever be taken away?
- Affiliates and Partners are able to unlock emotes slots permanently when they surpass their active subscriber count requirement. Assuming no fraud, if they happen to drop their active subscriber count in the future, the emote slots are still theirs to do as they wish.
- Can I change my Sub Emote prefix?
- Partners can inquire about a different Sub Emote prefix by contacting us via Please note that this does not guarantee the prefix change approval.We are not allowing changes to Affiliate sub emote prefixes at this time.
- As an Affiliate, will changing my username create a new emoticon prefix?
- No, your prefix will not be re-generated upon changing your username.
- If I previously left the Affiliate Program and rejoined will I get a new emoticon prefix?
- No, your prefix will remain as it was before.